A tiny mobile ECG/EKG recorder for your daily heart checkup

ECG/EKG event recorder

Records up to six
30 seconds tracks


a mobile app for iOS, Android and Windows Mobile to control your CardioDial and to manage your ECG reports

Approved by professional users

CardioDial is used and approved by
professional users

Medical device

Cadiodial is certified as
Medical Device


Put it on your chest and simply press the REC button to start recording
Listen to you heart by an audio feedback which informs you about the quality of the acquisition
Just press the SEND button to send an interactive PDF report with your ECG/EKG to you,
your physician and whoever you like... Read more

We work to turn research discoveries into real world products


Meet the team

Here we are!

Luca Maggi

Luca Maggi

Sergio Parini

Sergio Parini

Luca Piccini

Luca Piccini